Over 40 classes a week

Downtown Toronto studios

Recipient of Arab Heritage Award

Sponsored by Ontario Arts Council

Established in 1987


A Shameless Display of Femininity

Bellydance has many styles and genres. All embody joyful expressions of a sacred life force. Arabesque Academy welcomes students of all ages, with all body types, from all walks of life to join a nurturing and supportive environment. This globally-respected school upholds an authentic lineage of teaching from Egypt and Syria replete with integrity and joy. The highly-trained and experienced Arabesque teachers are warm, generous and respectful. They ensure every student receives a thorough, holistic education under the direction of Yasmina Ramzy. Yasmina is a visionary, a master teacher and a highly acclaimed choreographer. She is the artistic director of Arabesque Dance Company & Orchestra and founder of the International Bellydance Conference of Canada. With 32 years of experience, she imparts the Arabesque signature system of learning Bellydance in all its facets in 60 cities on five continents. The Ontario Arts Council sponsored the development of the Arabesque Academy standardized curriculum. Many Arabesque students have opened their own schools, created their own dance companies, and won a variety of international competitions. Creating fully rounded Bellydance and Arab Folkdance artists and teachers is why many of Canada's prominent Bellydance teachers and indeed Bellydancers from the world over receive their training at Arabesque Academy.

Some Canadian Bellydance teachers trained at Arabesque: Laura Selenzi, Aurora Ongaro, Samara (Christina Lee), Nikki Gentles, Denise Mireau, Mayada Hesham, Roula Said, Lou Lou, Nada El Masriya, Audra Simmons, Anuka, Judy Reynolds, Chemagne Martin, Kellye Crocket, Nita Collins, Vian Stetch, Layla Hassam (Sheng Wang), Emilia Moon de Kemp, Katy Solorzano, Teressa (Trina da Souza), Dawna (Isis) Robertson, Ishra Blanco, Karen Hunt, Dharlene Valeda, Kara Culp, Khizmet (Gail Kozun Bruckner), Ilona Muraca.


Where Rhythm Becomes Melody

This hand-held Arabian drum with its variety of intricate sounds transform rhythm into melody. Arabian music and indeed all Arabian art is full of infinite, ornate embellishments and the Dumbek is its heart and soul. Arabesque Academy offers a Dumbek learning curriculum designed by Arabesque Orchestra percussion director and composer Suleiman Warwar who teaches his system worldwide. He ensures the Arabesque instructors impart thorough skills and execution, providing drum students a solid foundation in Dumbek technique and Arabian music. Arabesque Academy has produced many of Ontario's Dumbek teachers and serious practitioners. Students have the opportunity to practice with the Bellydance Dumbek Brigade. As they advance, students are invited to perform with the Arabesque Drummers and Arabesque Orchestra at theatres, festivals and commercial events. The aim of the Arabesque Dumbek curriculum is to create professional lead drummers and teachers.

Some local Dumbek teachers trained at Arabesque: Samira Hafezi, Kevork Guerguerian, Kit McAllister, Sheldon Valeda, Pedro Bonatto, Walaa Hesham, Paul Ge.